Saturday, May 28, 2011

Home Office and Offices Interior Designs and Arrangement

Home Office and Offices designs and arrangement 1
There are some consideration for arranging home office and office design, here is some aspects that recommended to be consider :

Home Office and Offices designs and arrangement 2

The Color Scheme of Office
The first step for designing home office is how to select the color of your walls. In case for small home office, it will be better to avoid dark colors on the wall, because it tones tend to make a room look smaller than reality. We recommended you using bright color such as orange, lemon, lime, or other your favorite colors. And also choose the color that will help you to inspire your creativity when you are at work. You must not only use one color, but it will be better if you use more than one bright color, or you may also combine the wall using decorate with photograph, art works, wall decorations etc.

Home Office and Offices designs and arrangement 3
The Furniture arranging
Your furniture home office depends on your personal necessities. Do not crowd the small room home office with too many office furniture. Ideally, you insert a desk, a comfy chair, a bookshelf and a closet. It will be better using moveable furniture.  You can choose a rollers table for yourself. In this way, you can work by sitting near the window, if you want it or move it near the fireplace while winter. Wooden furniture with bright colors are match for any home office, it will reflect much light and make the area look really bright.

One aspect that very important while designing small home office is that furniture should be placed in such a way that does not give you a confused look. They also should not cause difficulty for office cleaning.

Home Office and Offices designs and arrangement 4

The Office Room Decoration
You should hide cables and wiring in the room with the help of conductive material. There are some available options for treatment the window like curtains, blinds, mini blinds, etc. You should choose one of them which is consistent with furniture of the office. At least keep one wall so that performing various office gears. You may hang items such as whiteboards, key, diagrams, bulletin boards , frameworks, etc.

If your clients visit your office regularly, you better put the sales numbers on the walls for remembering them. On a side table near your desk, you will put the awards it received. It can act as a reminder of his accomplishments.
Here are some example pictures:

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